Thursday, August 23, 2012


Every year I teach a class of prospective Leaders and Elders. We meet a couple of times a month from September to April. For some of the lessons, I teach a method of Bible study. This includes learning how to do word studies using an Exhaustive Concordance.
I don’t always do a good job of it, but my desire is to communicate my passion for studying Scripture. Recently, each of them did a homework assignment on a Bible passage, then shared their work with the rest of the class. They all did a good job.
When they were done, I gave examples of word studies I have used in sermons. One of those examples was from Proverbs 11:24-25. My discovery wasn’t obvious without a little digging, and what I learned challenged my view of generosity.
One of the guys commented that this was another example of how the Bible is inexhaustible. He said: “No matter how much you read it and study it, the Holy Spirit can always teach you something new.” He’s exactly right.
One of the other men said that it was amazing how much there was to discover just in those few words. At face value, that proverb isn’t very exciting or heart-warming. And yet, it contained powerful truths. All that is needed is willingness to invest some time, and openness to the teaching of the Spirit.
You can read about the insights I gained from that passage in Chapter Two of my recent book. [Insert shameless plug here] The book is available in digital format through Kindle. It’s called Soul Food: God’s Nourishment for the Real You.

Thinking back, I started studying the Bible seriously when I was 13 years old. Now after 40 years of study, my awe over the depths of God’s mercy and my delight in his written revelation have only increased. I would sum it up with one word: Inexhaustible.

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