Monday, March 11, 2013

Of Hippos, Babies, and Answered Prayer

Bill Cosby used to do a comedy routine about Noah. He imagined Noah following God’s instructions to build an ark and then loading the animals two by two. Cosby describes God telling Noah to “Take one of those hippos off the ark and get another one.” When Noah asks why, God replies, “Because you’ve got two males. You need a female.” According to Cosby, Noah tells God, “I’m too tired. You change one of them.”

Of course that’s not the way it happened. But Cosby’s imaginative rendition does picture how we want God to work in our lives. We look for immediate answers, quick solutions, and dramatic interventions. We ask God to do a miracle, to provide instantaneous resolutions to our problems.  

And yet, if we look at Scripture, God frequently chooses a more subtle response. God tends to take his time. In Biblical history, it is not unusual for his answer to arrive in the form of a baby. Think Isaac, or Moses, or Samson, or Jesus. Babies are so fragile. They take awhile to grow up. A baby is not an instant solution. God is not in a hurry.

As you cry out to God for help, realize his solution might not be immediately apparent. But whatever God chooses to do, his answer will be right on time.