Monday, May 23, 2011

3 Critical Questions for Life's Direction-Part 1

According to Proverbs, the way we approach every day, and the way we are headed will show whether we are wise or foolish. So how do we know if we are walking in wisdom or wallowing in foolishness? Proverbs 14 gives three critical questions for life’s direction.

1. What Am I Doing? 
Proverbs 14:8 "The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception."

It matters which job you take, who you marry, when to retire, where to go to school. Most of us would take time to consider those kinds of decisions. But it also matters if you should call in sick today, if you’re going to be friendly or grumpy, if you finish your assignment on time or blow it off, if you buy this cell phone plan, or that outfit, if you go away this weekend, or attend that event, if you have that difficult conversation or avoid the conflict. The more of those kinds of things you do without consideration, the more foolishly you live. For me to give thought to my ways, I need to be concerned about a couple of things: is it righteous and is it real?
·         Is it righteous? Proverbs is all about the way of the righteousness. Doing what is straight, upright, conscious of God. What I do day in and day out must take God into account, and stay true to him. I must consider, is this righteous, is this consistent with being right with God?
·         Is it real? It is human nature to lie to yourself. That deception is the folly of fools. You may tell lies to others, but mainly you tell them to yourself. They are lies you need to believe, so you can do what you want. Your lies may sound like this: “I deserve a little reward” “Just this once won’t matter” “I’m not afraid of commitment” “I’m just blowing off steam” “What they don’t know won’t hurt them” “This will be better for the kids” “It really doesn’t bother me at all.” “There’s nothing wrong” “I don’t need anyone else” “No one cares about me” “There are some people that you just can’t love” “I deserve better than this” “It’s just sex” “I never inhale” “If I ignore this, it will go away” “I’m married, not dead.” “It’s none of your business” “I’m not addicted” “It’s no big deal” “No one will ever know.” With those kinds of lies, you fool yourself. So what you do isn’t real. It isn’t based on truth. Stop believing your own lies.
The wise give moral reflection, the foolish are mentally dishonest. The wise give consideration to what they do, making sure it lines up straight, asking, is it righteous? They wise refuse to accept their own lies, asking it is real? 

The first critical question for life's direction: Is What I'm Doing Righteous and Real?

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