Saturday, August 13, 2011

Get the Shame Out

Anne Heche is well-known for her acting roles, and for her personal life, including a 3-year relationship with Ellen DeGeneres. A few years ago, Heche revealed she was sexually abused by her father from when she was a toddler until age 12. She says: "I did a lot of things in my life to get away from what had happened to me. I drank, I smoked, I did drugs, I had sex…. I did anything I could to get the shame out of my life.''

We all experience shame over things we’ve done and shame over things done to us. No one is exempt. How do we get the shame out of our lives?

In Joshua 5, we find 2 million Israelites ready to cross over into the Promised Land. They are on the edge of victory. Before that could happen, God called for an outward demonstration of commitment to him. Circumcision. Once they did, God makes this pronouncement:

Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the place has been called Gilgal to this day, (Joshua 5:9).

Obeying God today removes the shame of yesterday
God can break you free from the mockery of past failures. God can roll away the reproach of your past so it no longer defines and limits who you are. Submit to God and you can put Egypt behind you. Yes, you have failed in the past. You have not measured up. You have not trusted God. You have not been faithful. But the question is, Will you obey today?

Obey today, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else calls you. Obey today, and it doesn’t matter what they think of you. Obey today, and it doesn’t matter what you once did, or what you once were. There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. In Christ you are free and the burden is lifted. Don’t let the weight of incomplete obedience hold you back. Don’t allow the chains of hurtful memories, or fears, or failures to drag you down. Obey today, and the Lord God Almighty will roll away the reproach of yesterday.

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