Jesus encompasses opposites.
He is the Lion and the Lamb. The fierce carnivore and the gentle herbivore. Jesus is both. Animals that cannot co-exist, characterize the same person.
He is majesty and meekness, power and weakness.
He is the rock of our salvation and the pearl of great price.
The Creator and the Carpenter’s son.
The fragile flower and the righteous branch.
The temple and the gate.
The Tree of Life and the tender plant.
The corn of wheat and the cornerstone.
The Bridegroom and the Judge.
Son of Mary and Son of God.
He is the Master and he is the Servant.
The Prince of peace and the Sword who divides and destroys.
The Morning star and the Light of the world.
He is the Anchor of our soul and the Rose of Sharon.
He is the Seed of Promise and the Bread of Life.
He is the Stone the builders rejected and the Capstone over all things.
He is the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End.
Character traits that are mutually exclusive are combined in him. The real Jesus is beyond all our expectations, he explodes all our categories. He is the God-Man. The one who knew no sin, was made sin for us. Christ our Righteousness and our Redeemer.
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