Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bread and Prostitutes

"The prostitute reduces you to a loaf of bread," Proverbs 6:26. In other words, sexual sin is dehumanizing. How? To the sex industry: whether movies, magazines, chat lines, prostitutes, dancers, escorts, or dating sites, you are just a meal ticket. A way to put bread on the table. 

Men can fool themselves into thinking a stripper or hooker is attracted to them. They ignore the fact that her smile, her attention is really about money. And for those trapped in the sex industry, they are only there because someone else wants your money. How many of them have been pushed, forced, coerced into the role of satisfying the lust of strangers? You are a source of revenue. The money you pay for the movie, the online membership, the magazine, the pole dancer, the prostitute, the webcam session, reduces you to a business transaction. 

The NY Times bestseller, 50 Shades of Gray, is erotic fiction. It has been dubbed "Mommy porn," because millions of women of all types are buying it. Given its explicit content, those paying $9.95 have been reduced to a loaf of bread. 

You might think, “I don’t pay anything for porn. There is so much you can get for free online, so this dehumanizing idea does not apply.” Yes it does. Every click brings revenue to someone through advertisements. The increased web traffic alone helps promotes the exploitation of other human beings. Through sexual acts outside of marriage you become a loaf of bread, a piece of meat, a number in someone’s sexual history, it dehumanizes you and those you view, use, or obsess over. 

"God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body," 1 Corinthians 6:20. 

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