One person’s music is another person’s noise. Regardless of individual tastes, take a moment to appreciate the musical accompaniment of King Hezekiah’s worship service in 2 Chronicles 29. Cymbals, harps, lyres, and trumpets are the instruments listed. There may have been others. Since Hezekiah followed King David’s procedure, that meant there were 4,000 instrumentalists. That’s a good sized orchestra or band. Ever heard that many instruments playing at once? Harps and lyres sound quiet. Cymbals and trumpets do not. 4,000 of anything is going to be loud.
As thousands of animals were killed, skinned, cut up, arranged on the altar, and set on fire, the people began singing with the instruments playing (29:27-28). Imagine the commotion, the distractions, and the odors. Sight, sound, smell; all of these things happened at the same time. Once the offerings were over, everyone knelt down and worshipped. In this description are important elements of worship.
Celebration and Sacrifice are indispensible to Worship.
With our songs and music and offerings and respect, God is honored. When you come to worship, it involves celebration, whether loudly or quietly or both. We can’t keep quiet for a whole service unless we ignore Jesus. Yes, we need to mourn over sin. Yes, we need to be still and know that he is God. But we are on the other side of the redemption story. Jesus has come and so the silence is broken. Jesus is alive and so there is forgiveness. That has to be celebrated with sound. Martin Luther said “Music drives away the Devil.” As God’s people we celebrate that sin, death and Satan have been defeated by Jesus.
And when you come to worship there must be sacrifice. If your sacrifice is that you just decided to show up, that is ego-centric.
In 2 Chronicles 29, worship happened while the music was playing, and after it was over. Worship happened while the sacrifices were being offered, and when they were finished. Worship happened when the choir sang, and when everybody sang, and without any singing at all.
Now is the time you desperately need to connect with God in worship. Your ability to worship is not dependent upon the songs used. Your ability to worship is not dependent on the instruments played, or whatever sounds and sights are included. Your ability to worship is not even dependent on the words that you hear. Worship has to do with your willingness to bow down and place the one, true God back on the pedestal of your life. Push down the pretenders and deceivers, topple the intruders and diversions, dethrone the obsessions and desires that have taken his place. Lift him high and bow down low, give him your praise and worship, because that is what he made you to do.
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