Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Opposites of Jesus

Jesus encompasses opposites.

He is the Lion and the Lamb. The fierce carnivore and the gentle herbivore. Jesus is both. Animals that cannot co-exist, characterize the same person.

He is majesty and meekness, power and weakness.
He is the rock of our salvation and the pearl of great price.
The Creator and the Carpenter’s son.
The fragile flower and the righteous branch.
The temple and the gate.
The Tree of Life and the tender plant.
The corn of wheat and the cornerstone.
The Bridegroom and the Judge.
Son of Mary and Son of God.
He is the Master and he is the Servant.
The Prince of peace and the Sword who divides and destroys.
The Morning star and the Light of the world.
He is the Anchor of our soul and the Rose of Sharon.
He is the Seed of Promise and the Bread of Life.
He is the Stone the builders rejected and the Capstone over all things.
He is the Alpha and Omega; the Beginning and the End.

Character traits that are mutually exclusive are combined in him. The real Jesus is beyond all our expectations, he explodes all our categories. He is the God-Man. The one who knew no sin, was made sin for us. Christ our Righteousness and our Redeemer.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jesus the Refugee

I have little experience ministering to refugees. Most of it came in Greece. In a camp outside of Athens, my wife and I helped make a meal for hundreds of people. Their escape from brutality in other countries, led them to this community of tents. At a refugee center inside Athens, we served meals to dozens of men. All had been displaced, and were desperate for help.

It was also my assignment to preach to them; to share the power of the good news. My greatest concern was that they not see me a rich American, with a passport and plane ticket that would soon take me home. If they only looked at me that way, we would have nothing in common. I prayed that the message of Jesus would bridge the gap.

Jill Briscoe faced the same challenge. Speaking to a gathering of 200 newly arrived refugees in Croatia, she wondered what to say. Most of the refugees were women, because the men were dead or at war. Jill felt completely inadequate to talk to people who had suffered so much, lost so much, and faced death every day. She prayed, “God, give me something they can identify with.”

She told them about Jesus, who as a baby became a refugee. He was hunted by soldiers, and his parents had to flee to Egypt at night, leaving everything behind. She told them of Jesus’ life, and then his death on the cross. She said, “He hung there naked, not like the pictures tell you.” The women knew what she meant. Many of them had been stripped naked and tortured.

At the end of the message, Jill said, “All these things have happened to you. You are homeless. You have had to flee. You have suffered unjustly. But you didn’t have a choice. He had a choice. He knew all this would happen to him, but he still came.” Then she told them why Jesus came to suffer and die. Many of the women knelt down, put their hands up, and wept. Jill said, “He’s the only one who really understands. I cannot possibly understand, but he can. He’s the suffering God. You can give your pain to him.”

That news is not simply true for refugees. It’s for all of us. As we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, we rejoice that we have a God who understands our need, can shoulder our pain, and who rescues us from our lost condition. As Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah: “It was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down….he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed!”

Friday, April 15, 2011

11 Signs a Christian May Have Crossed Over to the Political Darkside

  1. If you read this title and assumed that the darkside was one particular political party, you may have crossed over.
  2. If you never acknowledge that a particular political party or politician could ever do something righteous, you may have crossed over.
  3. If you never can admit that your political party has done something that is not righteous, you may have crossed over.
  4. If you never have a qualm about identifying yourself to others as both a Christian and a member of one political ideology, you may have crossed over.
  5. If you pillory, express loathing, contempt, and spread evil reports about government leaders, despite everything Scripture says about honoring the king, respecting those in authority over you, and displaying the character of Christ, you may have crossed over.
  6. If you believe in a sovereign God, and yet would entertain the idea of taking up arms against your own government, you may have crossed over.
  7. If you are angry because your church will not actively support a political party, you may have crossed over.
  8. If your response to intolerance and playing politics is to be intolerant and play politics, you may have crossed over.
  9. If you are willing to openly support a political candidate because of his party affiliation, despite the fact that his life opposes and repudiates a majority of what you believe, you may have crossed over.
  10. If your news comes primarily from one ideological source, you may have crossed over.
  11. If you have found delight in drawing horns on a photo of current political figure, or forwarded a picture of a horned leader, you may have crossed over.